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Website Privacy Policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 and the legislation in force in Italy regarding the processing of personal data, we inform you of the following:

The Company ALPE-ADRIA TEXTIL SRL, with its registered office in Remanzacco (UD), Fiscal Code / VAT no 01681200307, e-mail info@alpeadriatextil.it, PEC alpeadriatextil@legalmail.it, in the person of the legal representative pro-tempore.

There is no obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer, and one has therefore not been designated.

Your personal data, explicitly collected, or which the Data Holder-Controller comes into possession of while browsing this site (www.alpeadriatextil.it) will be processed exclusively for the purposes indicated below:

  • To allow access to the site and navigation within it;
  • To respond to any requests for information, assistance or quotes;
  • To provide the services requested by the interested party.

We also inform you that the website www.alpeadriatextil.it does not use cookies of any type.

Your data will be processed:

  • On a contractual legal basis (art. 6, par. 1, letter b) of the GDPR), in the case of requests relating to offers and services;
  • On the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Holder-Controller (art. 6, par. 1, letter e) GDPR), in order to ensure the regular functioning of the website as well as to prevent fraud and abuse and, in general, to protect the rights of the Data Holder-Controller.

The processing of your data may also take place for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Holder-Controller, as specified pursuant to the previous point d).

Your personal data may be communicated to the following categories of recipients:

  • To all those subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data pursuant to regulatory or administrative provisions;
  • To companies, consultants or professionals possibly responsible for the installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, management of the hardware and software that the Data Holder-Controller uses for the provision of its services (such as, for example, the companies providing web hosting and IT support);
  • To all those subjects, public or private, whose communication is necessary or functional for the correct fulfillment of the obligations assumed or deriving from the law.

Your personal data will not be transferred to third countries. Where access to your data is permitted by the aforementioned countries, the most stringent logistical and IT security measures will be adopted to prevent and prevent the risk of access to the same by unauthorized parties or for purposes other than those referred to in point b) above.

The data you provide will be processed and stored for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes identified above. In any case, no personal data processed will be kept for longer than the maximum limit of 10 years.

As interested parties, you have the right to ask the Data Holder-Controller for access to your personal data and their rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing or to oppose their processing. You also have the right to data portability. To exercise these rights, you may send a specific request to the Data Holder-Controller using the contact details listed above.

Your personal data is collected in a context essentially aimed at fulfilling the obligations and services requested by the interested party. Unless otherwise provided, the explicit consent of the interested party is therefore not required. With reference to the processing based on consent spontaneously provided by you, we hereby inform you that you have the right to revoke the consent given at any time, without however prejudicing the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent provided before its revocation.

You may lodge a complaint against the processing or methods of processing of your data with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, based in Rome, or before the competent judicial authorities.

The provision of your data must be considered mandatory as it is necessary to undertake or continue the existing contractual relationship with the Data Holder-Controller. Otherwise, more generally, it will also not be possible to use the services made available by the Data Holder-Controller through its website. In relation to the personal data provided on the basis of your consent, their provision is optional.

The Data Holder-Controller does not carry out any data processing based on automated decision-making processes.

Updated on 04.07.2024

Alpe-Adria Textil S.r.l.

Strada di Salt, 50
I-33047 Remanzacco (UD)
Tel +39.0432.676838
Fax +39.0432.686453